Friday, 2 May 2014

FIFA14 Case Study


Find a FIFA14 print advert and describe how it promotes the game.
The game is promoted by using several players kicking the ball on a pitch with bright lights and an audience which makes it look very realistic. 

What key conventions of print adverts can you find on the FIFA ad? Product name? Font? Slogan? Central image? Colour?

It has the product name, the slogan, there is a central image and additionally the developer is placed on the corner alongside the age rating. There is a lot of bright colours used too which connotes that the game is exciting and bright colours also connote adrenaline which is what the game consists of.

Find three reviews for FIFA14 that were originally published in videogame magazines. Are they positive or negative about the game? Copy and paste one quote from each review.

"Realism in football games reaches its maximum." 
"Goals feel more organic and varied here than they have in a FIFA game for years."
"It is a slower, more methodical game that can frustrate as often as it delights."

Why are magazine reviews effective in promoting the game to FIFA14's target audience?
It's important as it isn't a biased opinion, they are reviews from a variety of individuals.

In your opinion, is print or e-media more effective in reaching the FIFA14 target audience?
In my opinion, e-media is more effective in reaching the target audience because it gets the audience more involved as the e-media could feature in-game footage.
Watch the FIFA14 TV advert on YouTube. How the does the advert attract an audience?
It attracts an audience because it is of very successful football players alongside celebrities playing the game with a lot of excitement 

Why is Lionel Messi driving the van?
Lionel Messi is driving a van to indicate the fact that those with an average day job would also be interested in this game, it isn't only suitable for those with high quality jobs

How does the TV advert feature the FIFA14 brand? Font? Slogan? Main star?
The font of the name is the same throughout all the other FIFAs. The slogan consists of the same font as the title. 
Why is there a combination of famous footballers, celebrities and regular people in the advert?
there is a combination of people in different social classes to signify that you don't have to be at a certain level of status to play and enjoy the game, average people are interested in the game alongside successful people which also suggests that the game has a varied audience.
Watch the FIFA14 trailer on YouTube. How does it differ from the TV advert?

Why is the trailer effective in promoting the game?

Visit the FIFA14 website. How does it attract and maintain the interest of a FIFA14 fan?

How many 'likes' has the FIFA14 Facebook wall had?

Choose five of the posts on the Facebook page's wall, screengrab them and explain how they appeal to the 
FIFA14 target audience.

Find three examples of celebrity/footballer promotion on the Facebook wall and write how they promote the FIFA14 brand.

What is the FIFA14 Twitter hashtag?

What is the FIFA14 Twitter account currently tweeting about? Find three recent tweets and explain why they would appeal to the FIFA14 target audience.
@EASPORTSFIFA - "Rare Gold 25K packs are available in the Store until tomorrow. #FUT" 
"Football League will run alongside the Premier League until Monday 6pm UK. BPL is here until Wed 6pm UK. "
"Premier League #TOTS is currently available until Wednesday. Anyone fancy another #TOTS squad for the weekend? #FUT"
These would appeal to FIFA14 target audience as it is talking about general football. FIFA14 is a football game therefore those who enjoy the game would be interested in football, leading to the audience being interested in what is happening in general football. 

Can you find any examples of user-generated content on YouTube? This means YouTube videos of FIFA14 gameplay that players have created and uploaded themselves. Embed at least three videos on your blog.

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