Release date: November 5th 2013.
Institutions behind the game (game studio/publisher): Activision
What key conventions of print adverts can you find on the example you have chosen? Product name? Font? Slogan? Central image? Colour?
Product name, release date, publisher logo and a dull colour scheme.
Find three reviews for your game that were originally published in videogame magazines. Are they positive or negative about the game? Copy and paste one quote from each review.
"Yes, we have done all of this before and yes, we wish there were more new features and graphics. But Call of Duty: Ghosts is still fun, regardless."
"Some good new multiplayer features"
"Call of Duty games has never really changed much in game play since well Call of Duty 4, it feels like the whole franchise has been through a tremendous roller coaster that doesn't seem to keep stable. "
Did your game feature on any videogame magazine front covers? Find examples and explain why a front cover feature is so successful in promoting a game to its target audience.
A front cover feature is successful in promoting a game is because the target audience don't have to search through magazines to find reviews or extra information about the game, it is obvious and bold on the front cover which will catch the audience's attention quicker and easier.
Did your chosen game use a TV advert to promote the game? Embed it from YouTube if it did.
Can you find any other broadcast features on the game - interviews, launch party events, video reviews, clips of the gameplay on YouTube etc. Write about how they effectively promote the game to its target audience.
Visit your chosen game's official website. How does it attract and maintain the interest of its target audience?
Does the game have a YouTube channel?
How many 'likes' has your chosen game's Facebook wall had?
What is your chosen game's Twitter hashtag?
How did the campaign use Twitter to promote the game?
Twitter was used to promote the game by using hashtags which would potentially start to trend worldwide which would create awareness. Additionally, their tweets would get retweeted/favourited which would also create awareness
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